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Tired of thinking about drinking?


Feeling like you are all alone and no one understands you? Do you feel like you are the only person on earth struggling with this issue? Do you blame yourself for not being able to project manage alcohol like you do your home and your career? Same, Girl. 

You are not alone.

This membership is for professional women only. The INSIDER Community is based on teaching self-love and will help you do just that. With interactive lessons for your mind, body, and soul, you'll learn how to stop abandoning yourself with alcohol and start to prioritize your needs for self-care, self-compassion, and connection.

Because you are so worth it!

Once you get connected INSIDE you'll wonder what took you so long with all the belonging, learning, and support at your fingertips 24/7.  Join the 7 day Free Trial. I am confident you belong here, come see for yourself, risk free. 

Ditching the Drink is Better Together

With monthly Masterclasses, LIVE group coaching calls, and a 24/7 mobile app you've got a community of like minded people and support at your fingertips. With Heather's professional coaching and facilitation skills you are in a safe, non-judgemental environment to explore a relationship with alcohol that works for you... in the best company.


The Insider Membership

Connect with what matters most


Learn how to silence your inner critic and comfort yourself with love, acceptance, and belonging.  

We'll teach you how to:

  • Practice self-compassion while evaluating your relationship with alcohol
  • Connect with others on a like minded journey towards healing and growth
  • Align your vision with your reality, get alcohol out of the way 
  • Learn how to take care of yourself, find joy, see results and finally take action on those big dreams


It’s time to give yourself permission to receive compassionate support.

"The INSIDER Membership is full of relatable, enthusiastic, driven, AF change-makers...basically everything I was hoping to find through connection in my 'hood."

- Crystal

Group Coaching

Connect, learn and belong on confidential, non judgemental and casual come as you are LIVE Group calls with like minded people in a small group setting. Enjoy exploring with others in search of a common goal. Sober and sober curious members welcome. 

Monthly Masterclass

Get to know yourself with monthly masterclasses with expert instructors on topics like creativity, self compassion, breathwork, rituals, routines, sleep, grief, sex, anxiety, cycle syncing, intuition and more.

Private Community 

Confidential Mobile App for easy connection, resources, and support 24/7. Join challenges, giveaways, in real life meet ups and create lifelong friendships. 



The benefits of group coaching are immeasurable and it's time to stop suffering in silence. 

The Insider Group provides encouragement, motivation and accountability.

We learn and grow together from shared experiences and common goals. 

Get out of your head and into our welcoming, accepting, and non judgmental group.  





I created this community offering because I learned from my own mistakes.

I was too scared to put myself out there to make new friends in sobriety for a long time. Too long. 4 years to be specific. 

Once I found a group of sober friends, I had a huge exhale of relief. My friendships started to  multiply quickly (and nothing bonds people like ditching the drink). Now I have sober friends ALL OVER THE WORLD! We meet on line and in real life. What in the heck was I waiting for?

What took me so long? My own pride? Fear? Ego? Maybe a combination of all these things.

I wished I had done it sooner.

It would have made my alcohol free journey so much easier and a lot more fun.

I'm here to tell you that sober is not somber.

Not at all. And sober people are funny and real and beautiful and inspiring and I had no idea because I surrounded myself with drinkers my whole life. Now I have drinking friends and non drinking friends and either way, I have MORE friends. Much better this way.

Join me on a journey of ditching the drink for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Learn self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence in being alcohol free.

Connect with others and see the joy in ditching the drink that is holding you back from your real hopes and dreams.

No one walks alone, and we are waiting for you to walk in and link arms with us. 💜



Have you ever felt like something is missing in your life and alcohol might be holding you back? Like no matter how hard you try, you keep falling into unhealthy patterns with alcohol?

If so, then the INSIDER Membership is definitely for you.

We'll help you take a break from alcohol and align with yourself. Once you've gotten to know and love who you are on the inside, we'll teach you how to nurture and protect that person as you go through your daily life. When this happens, you see alcohol for what it is and you lose the desire to drink. If you can ditch the drink, what other possibilities could open up for you? We look forward to celebrating your success alongside you! 


The Insider Community has been key to my sobriety success journey so far. Even before I knew I was ready Heather’s Weekly-ish e-letters were gracing my inbox and building my sober toolbox. When I was ready for the next step, Heather was there to offer one-on-one support. From there I have benefited from her blogs and Masterclasses- but the most meaningful has been the weekly Zoom meetings and community. I look forward to these keeping me on track each week and celebrating both shortfalls and successes with each other  - Marci

The Insider Community has been a huge asset to helping me stay on my alcohol free journey. There are so many great reading tools and the best part is being able to hop on a call with people who are on the same journey. It’s a place to support one another if you are 1 day sober or 3 years sober without having to worry about judgment  - Chelsie


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:



monthly payments

  • Access to new Masterclass every 30 days
  • Access to 8-12 Group Coaching Calls each month
  • Membership to the INSIDER community
  • Live 24/7 Membership support
  • Extra bonuses, giveaways, challenges, and resources





Save $58

  • Access to new MasterClass every 30 days
  • Access to 8-12 Group Coaching Calls each month
  • Membership to the INSIDER community
  • Live membership support 24/7
  • Extra bonuses giveaways, challenges, and resources
  • Pay for 10 months of support and receive 12


If you aren’t completely satisfied with your Insider Membership, let us know within the first 7-days for a full refund. No questions asked.