Inappropropriate Mother's Day Messages

May 07, 2021

A rarely advertised fact is that alcohol is the third preventable cause of death in the US. 

That is not how it is marketed to women. 

Alcohol is sold as “Mommy’s Helper”, or “Mommy’s Juice”.

It is advertised as a break for Mom. 

It is sold as “Me Time” for women to escape the responsibilities of parenting, which women desperately need, in these challenging times, when they are expected to be on all the time.

Parents, and especially women, do need a break from parenting.

They need rest.

They need time away from their responsibilities.

They need resources and support.

They do not need alcohol.

Alcohol is scientifically proven to increase anxiety and depression, which is the last thing parents need during tough times. 

The problem with the message that women need wine to relax or get a break from parenting, is that it’s true that Mom’s need a break, but alcohol is an addictive substance, that creates more problems than it solves.

Alcohol is packaged in pink ribbons, with empowering messages, like She Can Wine

It would be great if  there was a magic elixir that took away the stress of life and created a positive solution to challenging times. 

Alcohol is not the magic eraser for stress.

As a Certified Professional Recovery Coach,  I have never seen alcohol build anyone’s strength or confidence.

I have seen hundreds of people tumbling down a road toward depression, shame, and crippling anxiety. 

Alcohol is not a funny, silly, little escape for women. 

Alcohol is a drug that creates dependence. 

No one consumes alcohol without consequence. 

The New York Times reported in December researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, published the results of a survey they conducted last May in The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. They found that of the more than 800 respondents — those who replied to the online questionnaire were mostly white women — 60 percent were drinking more compared with before Covid-19

A study published in October in The Journal of Addiction Medicine found that between February and April 2020, women had a greater increase in excessive drinking than men did. Respondents who are Black reported greater increases, too.


The science shows alcohol is hurting more than helping.


Yet companies seem to be tone deaf to what is happening.

Media and marketing continue to sell alcohol as the cure all.


However, there is also a huge sober movement happening across the world.


People are sick of this messaging and looking to build wellness, resiliency, and community instead. 


The sober and sober curious movement is gaining numbers, and recently voiced their concern for Tropicana’s inappropriate advertising.


Tropicana issued a formal apology for their mimosa ad, suggesting parents hide from their children and drink alcohol in their closets.


Build A Bear didn't get the memo. 


They have taken it one step further and are selling plush champagne bottles and glasses as toys for children’s stuffed animals.


Their newest campaign normalizes Mom's drinking to relax.

You would not do this with any other drug.


It is completely inappropriate to promote drug use to children in any form and that includes alcohol.


I founded Ditched the Drink, out of my own concerning relationship with alcohol, parenting, and my career.


I help people evaluate their relationship with alcohol. 


I offer an online class, 1x1 coaching support, and many resources for people and organizations looking to improve their overall wellness. 


Regardless of the media normalizing and encouraging drinking alone in the bathtub, drinking in the morning, and drinking to cope, it is not a healthy solution. 


In my experience, and the hundreds of people I coach, ditching the drink, is the gateway to an awakened life.


For me, removing alcohol was the first domino that initiated positive changes in my health, career, and relationships. 


Once I ditched the drink, I was able to align with my highest self to do my greatest good. 


Build A Bear   this is an invitation to do better, for the health of our parents and our children who depend on us to be our best selves.

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