Labor Day is for Resting and Nesting
Sep 06, 2021
I was talking with a client last week and she mentioned the weekend might be hard.
Because it’s Labor Day, a three day holiday weekend, and the end of summer.
It hit me that I hadn’t even thought about that.
I did have a trip out of town for my Aunt’s Funeral services at the end of the week, prior to the weekend's start.
I was performing the eulogy, so I was heavily distracted, to say the least.
My oldest daughter had a volleyball tournament,
so we had no plans for a for a last hurrah.
It actually felt like a regular weekend, with an extra day added in.
Less plan, and few obligations.
No forced family fun, which admittedly I shove in sometimes.
(don't we all?)
More time and space.
It was just what I needed, considering the emotional weekend I had endured.
I started the summer in an opposite way...with a BANG! on Memorial Day.
We enjoyed a weekend at a lake house, speeding around in a flashy boat.
It was a big summer kickoff with smores, music, and a crowd of people to party with.
I know how to have fun.
I feel the need to defend this statement with two examples from the past few weeks:
- we took our teenage daughters to a last minute Sunday night Pitbull concert
- I’m traveling to Vegas later this month to see a live show. It is coming together very irrationally and spontaneously, more proof I am WILD and UNTAMED 😉
This weekend however, was not all rock and roll, Baby.
And that’s ok.
It was simple and it was beautiful.
My mental health was in a fragile place.
I was feeling extra sensitive last week.
I had lost sleep.
I am in the process of moving through fresh found grief.
I didn’t need a big splash,
a balls out bbq,
or a day drinking extravaganza,
in the desperate way I used to.
When I was drinking, I wanted my drinking to be fun, not sad.
I wanted others to think I was a blast, not an alcoholic.
I couldn't imagine a long holiday weekend, not being about alcohol, but here it is.
This weekend, alcohol was the farthest thought from my mind.
It didn't need alcohol, a party, big plans, or to prove anything to anyone.
I needed to self soothe.
I needed to double down on meditation time,
add in more yoga,
take more hikes,
indulge in more reading,
more sitting,
more reflecting,
more alone time,
more love, pampering, and self soothing.
It is beautiful, that I now know how to take care of myself.
It was great to move into the slower fall season with intention.
I set up for a successful transition into autumn.
I put new bedding on my bed,
ordered a new (long overdue) refrigerator,
stocked up on meal prep,
and shampooed my carpets.
I took a long hike with a friend and my dog on a new trail.
I had hours to lay by the pool.
I shopped by myself.
I enjoyed the gym spa, steam room, sauna, and shower circuit a few times.
My family and I ate together al fresco, style.
I sipped a new alcohol free wine at sunset and while cooking.
I cleaned out some piles and deep cleaned my daughter’s room.
I got caught up on laundry.
I have a stack of magazines to peruse.
I will finish a book and I ordered another.
I watched a great tv series, something I so rarely do!
My girlfriends surprised me and came over for coffee this morning,
which turned into me making them brunch,
which turned into a round of cards, on my deck, in the sun.
I dillied and dallied.
I sat and I lollygagged.
I moved around and cleaned off my front porch and back deck.
I enjoyed being home.
I enjoyed my home.
I set out mums that I received from my Aunt's services.
I bought sympathy cards to send to her inner circle.
I updated the family calendar, got organized, and made appointments.
It’s ok to have slow weekends, even on holiday weekends.
I don’t so desperately need to have a good time on a three day weekend.
My life is almost always a good time.
I have good times on Sunday nights and Monday mornings nearly every week.
Good times are spent doing the things I love with people I love.
A good time is cultivating a strong, positive, and trusting relationship with myself.
Good times are giving myself exactly what I need in every moment,
even when it doesn’t look flashy or exciting to anyone else.
Good times are taking care of me and my family however we need it.
I feel relaxed and happy at the end of the weekend.
I feel at peace.
I look forward to a busy week ahead.
As I sit on the couch finishing up some work,
I still have that stack of magazines to browse when I'm done.
I love Sunday/Monday nights.
I have no FOMO, no Sunday Scaries, and no regrets.
Holiday weekends might look different alcohol free, and that’s ok.
Your whole life will start to look different and isn’t that exactly what everyone wishes for when they are drinking too much?
Happy Monday!
Ready for Sober September now?
Read this:
4 Reasons Why September is the Best Time to Take a Break from Booze