Nobody wants to quit drinking but here's $100.

Sep 03, 2019

I don’t think anybody wants to get sober. 

My (Forever Sober) Day 1, was not met with enthusiasm. 

I greeted Day 1 with shame and fear. 

I was in tears on my knees in surrender. 

Something had to change. 

I couldn’t go on the way I was going. I knew I was on an elevator that only went down, and it had started to pick up speed in its fast descent. 

To keep riding was to lose everything that mattered to me and then die from it. 

I could not go on like this. 

This could not be my story. 

That is what brought me to Day 1, over and over again. 

Quitting was an admission of my failure to be normal. 

I failed at being a normal drinker. 

I had failure to thrive.

Failure to moderate. 

Failure to keep drinking but control my drinking. 

Gosh darn it, I did it again. I went ahead and got drunk just because I had a drink. 

I promised I wouldn’t do this, and I kept doing this. 

I was a big failure. It was with regret and sadness that I realized I can’t have a drink. 

I had this abnormal problem, that when I drank, I get drunk. Or more drunk. Or drunker than the rest. I thought getting drunk was the point of having a drink. 

Maybe I was wrong?

Maybe everybody does not see it that way?

I tried to consume the right amount, and only the right amount. 

I have tried not too much, for a long time. 

I did not want to give up my drink. Nobody does.

 If I could drink only the right amount, I wouldn’t have to be where I am. 


I wanted to keep drinking, and continue getting drunk. 

What I didn’t want, was people noticing me getting drunk. 

I begged God to change them, The People. 

The People, being my family and friends, that is. 

The People noticing were the problem. 

The problem was not wine. Wine was my best friend. 

Please God don’t let me die from wine. Please, PLEASE God keep me healthy while I get drunk and please stop The People from noticing, especially my kids.

This would have been my perfect life. 

Isn’t that what everyone wants?

To be drunk and healthy and guilt free?

That is what I wanted. 

I will tell you what I didn’t want. 

I didn’t want to be a freak of nature, which is to be sober. 

I didn’t want to admit that I was ever wrong...about anything...ever... in the history ...of ever. 

In fact, I stopped drinking to prove my husband wrong.

I quit to show him drinking was obviously not the problem. 

I like to be right 110% of the time. 

I didn’t want my whole life to change. 

I didn’t want attention for drinking and I definitely didn’t want attention for not drinking. 

I didn’t want to lose friends. 

I didn’t want to spend Friday nights at home alone. 

I didn’t want to wake up early on Sundays. 

I didn’t want to rock the boat with my relationships, that were just hanging by a thread. 

I did not want to be one of those people that puts exercise ahead of a social life. 

I didn’t want to job search or work harder or make less money by pursing my passion.

I didn't want to pay attention to the pull inside that said my perfect life was not enough for me.  

I didn’t want the life I have now.  

If you don’t want to take my Ditched the Drink Jumpstart course, I totally get it. 

I didn’t either. 

I was not ready to change.

I was not ready to turn my life around.

I was not ready to listen to myself.

I was not ready to turn thoughts into action.

I was not ready for any of it. 

I was only very very afraid of everything.

I was scared shitless. I had nowhere to go. 

What I was doing wasn’t working. 

I had to do something different. 

I had no idea if sober would be better. 

I doubted it, mostly, but I had to try different because the same wasn’t working.

I could not go on the way I was. 

I do not expect you to be ready to be sober.

Not for a day, or 42 days or a lifetime.

I wasn’t either and you don’t have to be.

It is not a requirement for admission. 

What is required is a private maybe silent admission that you might want to try something different. 

I did not know what my future would hold and neither do you. I could not imagine my life the way it is now when I stopped drinking 18 months ago.

Ditched the Drink Jumpstart is a disruption to your life. Its subtle at times and bold at others. 

It may not make you sober for a lifetime.

What it will do is lead you back to yourself. 

It will light fires within that have been smoldering in your underbelly. 

It will give voice to the feelings in your gut that you have been trying to ignore. 

It will suggest that you don’t do things the way you’ve been doing them, and instead try something new. 

It will provide insight that maybe you never wanted to be doing things this way anyway, and its time to pay attention to that. 

If you have been living out of alignment, this course has the audacity to suggest that you explore that. 

Embarking on this journey back to self will transform you and your life as you see it now. 

It will ruin relationships as they are now. 

You will be so grateful for it. 

Taking a chance on trying something different will have you questioning all that is. 

With new insight you may come to see your life isn’t what you wanted.

With support you can take the necessary steps to make it exactly what you want. 

This entire idea is terrifying and you will never be ready.

Its ok. Don’t do it. 

Keep doing what you are doing. I love you and I understand. 

If you are terrified, and not ready, but pondering dipping one toe in the water of something new then I have something for you.

I will be in Africa for 10 days of the next course starting on September 23rd. I will not be able to give personal feedback and support during this time. 

I don’t want to delay the course, so to be fair,  I am offering $100 off this session. 

Did you hear that? 

The price just dropped from $297 to $197 for Round 2 of Ditched the Drink Jumpstart Class. 

You still get:

Daily Video Lessons for 6 weeks (that’s 42 videos)

Daily Downloadable Resources

Daily Assignments

Optional Private Facebook Group for Support

Personal Support during the 6 weeks (minus the 10 days I am out of country) 

This discount likely won’t happen again, so if you’ve been on the fence about joining, now is the time. It costs less than a daily cup of coffee, less than a daily bottle of wine. Money is no longer a good excuse.  

It will change your life. 

100% of the First Round Students already recommend:

“Heather is the best guide, so relatable! I love the videos and support.” 

“Heather really helped me. I have tried other methods before but for the first time ever, I can see myself really succeeding at quitting drinking.” 

“The lessons are so valuable and have me seeing my drinking patterns in a whole new way.” 

“I look better, feel better, and learned so much about myself during this course.”

“Everyday I look forward to the lesson. I don’t want it to end!”

Do not fear, you can always go back to drinking. 

Try something different. 

Grab a friend and try 42 days with me!

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