Seven Years Sober: The Magic of Becoming Someone New

sober milestones Feb 19, 2025

Seven years ago, I made a choice.

I didn’t know what would come next. I didn’t know who I would be without a drink in my hand. All I knew was that I couldn’t keep living the way I had been. It wasn’t working. It was slowly killing me.

Seven years later, I look back at that woman—the one who was exhausted from trying to hold everything together, the one who thought she could outwork, outrun, or outdrink her pain—and I barely recognize her. Not because she was weak, but because she was at the edge of something new.

Sobriety didn’t just help me quit drinking. It helped me become someone new. This is why I named my top rated 1x1 Coaching Package Becoming 🔗

The Power of Seven Years

Seven is a powerful number. It represents completion, transformation, and spiritual awakening. In so many ways, this year feels like a turning point—a full cycle of shedding the old and stepping into something entirely new. The 2025 year of the snake is lined up perfectly for me to break free and unleash myself from the past at this 7-year milestone. Hence the name of my newest program, Unleash Yourself 🔗.  

They say it takes seven years for every cell in your body to regenerate, meaning the person I was when I quit drinking no longer physically exists. This is so freaking cool to me. If you don't know me sober, you simply don't know me anymore. That woman—the one who used alcohol to cope, to fit in, to survive—is gone. In her place stands someone rebuilt, someone stronger, someone fully alive.

Seven years sober isn’t just a milestone. It’s proof that lasting change is possible. That growth doesn’t stop. That healing keeps unfolding, layer by layer, revealing more of who you truly are.

The Death and Rebirth of Identity

People talk about quitting drinking like it’s just about the alcohol, but if you know, you know. It’s a total identity shift. I had spent years being the fun one, the party girl, the drinker. Drinking was woven into my routines, my friendships, and my sense of self.

It was all I knew, and it was who I was. When I stopped, it felt like a death. The loss of old habits. The loss of easy escapes. The loss of my most used coping tool. The loss of a version of me, which was the only me I had ever known.

But here’s what I didn’t see at first: when something dies, something else is born. A snake shedding her skin, making room for renewal and growth.

In that space where alcohol used to be, something new started to develop.

Confidence. Clarity. The ability to actually feel my emotions instead of numbing them. The strength to face hard moments instead of running from them. A deep knowing that I am so much more than a woman with a wine glass in her hand.

The Woman I’ve Become

Seven years later, I stand here as someone I never thought I could be.

  • A woman who trusts herself. Who no longer second-guesses her worth (just kidding, I do doubt myself, but it's a whole lot less).
  • A woman who keeps her promises—to herself and others.
  • A woman who is 100% more fun and adventurous with a bigger social circle than ever before.
  • A woman who is healthier, stronger, and happier than she ever imagined.

And most of all—a woman who knows that she gets to choose who she becomes, every single day.

Becoming Your New Self

If you’re on this path, whether you’re on day seven or year seven, I want you to know this: sobriety isn’t just about quitting drinking. It’s about rediscovering who you are and who you’re meant to be.

The journey isn’t always easy, but I promise you—it’s worth it.

Because the person you are becoming? She’s extraordinary.

And she’s waiting for you to meet her.


Reach out for your complimentary call 🔗.

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