Sobriety Prepared me for COVID- 19 Pandemic

anxiety coping skills relationships Apr 19, 2020

I am surprising myself with how well I am able to handle the current global crisis of COVID-19.

I feel perfectly prepared for this however, because I have increased my resiliency by getting sober two years ago.

I was a high functioning drinker who never hit a rock bottom, and still when I decided my nightly wine habit was hurting me more than it was helping me, I had to work hard to increase my coping skills, manage triggers and cravings, and learn how to handle uncomfortable emotions.

I learned to stay present and not overwhelm myself by winding myself up with false stories and fear.

I learned to prioritize my mental and physical health.

I learned to listen to what I need, which was often to move my body, to write out my feelings, and to simply come back to me, by listening to my breath.

My self care routines are now firmly in place.
I have set myself up for resilience on the inside, no matter what is happening on the outside.

I am not seeking happiness outside myself anymore.

I know there is a lot of pain and suffering in the world right now and that it is a very challenging time.

I feel that too.

I also know the best thing I can do for the world right now is stay healthy, hopeful, and keep my home a peaceful place.

I have much to be grateful for in the midst of a health crisis and I take a moment to appreciate those things.

I read limited news, but I do not watch the news, as that creates anxiety and is not helpful to me.

I move my body for 30 minutes every single day.

I get outside as often as possible, even to sit on my front porch and feel the sun on my face.

I do acts of service by sending my Grandma’s notes and supporting local businesses facing great economic challenges.

I stick to my morning routine of journaling and my evening meditation.

I allow myself to feel grief, sadness, despair, and fear. I do not let my feelings run me, but I acknowledge that I feel uncomfortable and that is ok. I can sit with those feelings and be a non judgemental witness to myself.

I have used this time to get creative in my home and in my relationships.

There are ways to find joy, even in the middle of a crisis.

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