Ways to Escape Without Alcohol
Jul 26, 2021
I used alcohol to turn off the noise in my head.
I had a very loud inner critic and anxiety about nearly everything.
I love the boozy, woozy, relaxed,
“everything will be ok”
feeling my first sips of wine gave me.
What a relief! From myself.
It honestly felt like the only way to get away from the demanding, persistent, never good enough tape running in the background of my head.
When I quit drinking, I was left to deal with this and it wasn’t pretty.
I can still feel anxiety rising up like a lump in my throat sometimes but I have learned other ways to escape.
We need to run away sometimes.
Alone time is a #1 tool for my clients working towards ditching the drink, and it was for me too.
If you are new to ditching the drink, you might not know any other way to get an escape, other than alcohol.
It has likely been your mindless “go to” for as long as you can remember.
Here’s a list of other ideas to try.
Whether playing an instrument, learning to play, simply listening, or moving and dancing along...music is an immediate escape. Any and all genres, whatever suits you. Music has been proven to heal and also lift your mood. I personally like to blast 90’s music in my car alone and scream sing along. Somedays I like songs that swear, sometimes I like songs to make me cry. On other days I want songs for nostalgia. Whatever I need, there's a song for that.
Alone time
Most of my client’s don’t realize, what they were seeking in alcohol was alone time. A way to shut off the noise and demands of others and be able to sit with themselves. Alcohol was perfect for this, yes?! I have found when I am in an anxious situation, feeling overwhelmed, or pressured to make a decision, I need to step away. I am able to gain clarity when I just remove myself from the intensity of a situation. I am very sensitive to other people’s feelings, and energies and I find myself needing time alone to get my own barometer reset. This can be as simple as excusing yourself from the table to use the restroom. Even a little time and space can shut off the external chatter so you can tune into what you really need.
Movie theater
Take yourself on a date! Why not go sit in a dark room alone and get lost in a movie? Stories heal and watching one on the big screen can give you a break from your own story for a few hours. Watching tv at home or movies in a theater can give your mind a break from itself. Sometimes with a pause in our own thinking, the answers are able to surface.
When I was newly sober, I would walk around the block when I got an intense craving. I would not allow myself to go home until it was gone. Sometimes I had to walk about the block 12 times before the urge would pass, but it always did pass. I liked the way walking got out the physical energy, changed the scenery, and also gave me time and space to myself. Walking it a top sober tool of mine! Take your craving on a walk!
I have recently invested in a fancy gym/spa membership and it has been worth it. I use the gym both as a place to go when I want to escape, and also as prevention. I schedule gym time in my calendar each week as an important appointment. With all the home time and togetherness of COVID, the gym has been my #1 escape this season. The gym membership costs the same as the wine I used to drink, but has proved to be a much healthier and more effective escape.
I mentioned this with music, but just getting in the car and going somewhere can be an escape. Even if it's just to the grocery store (unless that’s a trigger for you). I never drank alcohol in the car, so it was a safe spot to be in early sobriety. I sat in my driveway alone in the car. I sat in parking lots talking to friends on the phone for privacy. I was also amazed that I could leave the house, after dark, in the car. I never did this while drinking. A car ride, a Sunday drive, or just a small adventure to the next town can be a wonderful way to interrupt drinking thoughts with something new.
I love packing a book and a picnic and heading to a local park or forest preserve. Within miles, I feel so far away from home and some of my stressors. I have gotten lost while bird watching, or just observing the breeze sway the branches of a tree. When I don’t know where to go, or what to do, the park is an inexpensive and easy answer. I have even packed some alcohol free drinks and a blanket and watched the sunset with myself. This felt like an ultimate escape, and I came home much lighter and happier than when I left.
The mall. Retail therapy. Whether I buy anything or just browse and people watch the mall is a favorite place to visit, especially in the colder months of the Midwest. There’s rhythm to mall walking and browsing and I like the time with myself. I get outfit and home decor inspiration. I might hear a favorite song from my past. I might treat myself to something like a bowl of Pho, a new candle, or accessory. This helps the reward circuit in my brain rewire away from alcohol being the reward at the end of the day.
Undisclosed location
For some reason there’s a rebel in me that likes to be out of the house with no plan. I like to not know where I am going and not have anyone else know either. I like to just walk out. With so much of my life scheduled and planned, I like the spontaneity of just leaving and not knowing where I’m going or when I’ll be home and not being responsible for anyone but me. Can you relate? I like saying "I'm leaving, don't count on me for dinner, I'll be home when I'm home. Bye for now." and skipping out the door with absolute glee!
Coffee shop
This is always a good idea. Sometimes I bring my computer, sometimes I don’t. Sitting at a coffee shop transports me. This is a wonderful escape, what a magical place. For a super luxurious time I also order dessert!
Getting lost in a book is my favorite, daily escape. I can read anywhere, anytime. I have loved reading ever since I learned how. I don't mind spending time or money on books. The shelves of a library or bookstore is always the greatest escape. If you can’t leave the house, the car, or the situation, you can still rely on putting your nose in a book to get away from anyone including yourself.
There’s a saying that if you have a fussy baby, just add water. I have found this to be true for adults too. If you are in a funk or struggling with a bad craving, jump in the tub. Serenity now. Instant relief! Calgon take me away! An evening bath has cured many cravings for me.
I love the spa. Everything is set up perfectly for self care, self love, and relaxation. From the lemongrass aromatherapy to the power of touch, the spa is the perfect retreat for me. A spa day reminds me of my path to healing and wellness. This gladly keeps me away from alcohol and my own toxic relationship to it. The spa environment reminds me of my self compassion goals, and creating a life I love. Whe I can't go the spa, I create a spa at home. Essential oils, face masks, comfy clothes, candles, meditative music, and all things pampering do wonders to soothe my anxious mind.
Body of Water
This is the same concept as the bathtub, but heading to a bigger body of water is so meditative. The expansive ocean waves provide soothing relief and understanding that we are part of something bigger. Being on a kayak in the middle of the lake is the ultimate “get lost”. Even just sitting at a duck pond can take you away from uncomfortable emotions and enhance a feeling of inner peace and contentment. Water is a healing element.
A hike for me, is a moving meditation. The sound of my breath and footsteps, provide cadence. It’s a great way to calm my mind. When I feel like I want to run away, I head to a garden, arboretum, park, trail or forest preserve. Not all who wander are lost and sometime's heading out into the woods is actually heading in to yourself.
I like to dedicate myself to learning. I have taken virtual and in person classes. Fitness, personal development, business, art, and more. Signing up for a class is a great way to start with a beginner's mind and see the world with new eyes. If you are looking for support in ditching the drink, I’ve got a class for you! Check out Jumpstart 6 Week Digital Class. You’ll learn new habits, coping skills, and how to have fun and manage relationships all alcohol free.
Breathing and Counting
Finally, anytime I have to suffer through something or train my dragon of a mind, I rely on breathing and counting. There are so many techniques to try here. A quick google search can teach you some. The simplest way to calm down and escape feelings of anxiety and overwhelm for me is to pay attention to my breath, count, and make my exhale longer than my inhale. That’s it.
I went to alcohol for an escape hatch for dealing with my life, but it ultimately left me locked in my own cage.
I love being free without alcohol dependence anymore.
What do you think about these escapes?
What did I miss?
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