(TMI TBH -Too Much Information Too Be Honest)

Welcome! Whether you’re taking your first steps toward sobriety, celebrating years of alcohol-free living, or simply seeking inspiration and support, you'll find genuine stories, practical advice, and compassionate support to help you on your journey.

How My Vanity Helped Me Sober Up, When I Didn't Want To alcohol free resources sober sober curious Apr 16, 2021

When I look back on pictures, I can see clearly how alcohol is poison. 

The bloat in my face is painful to see. 

The bloat was my body's way of trying to protect me from my drinking habits.

As a drinker, it was just another reason for me to hate my ugly self.

I was ignoring myself, in every wa...

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How to Have Fun on an Alcohol Free Vacation alcohol free vacation soberaf soberissexy Apr 07, 2021

I have written about my sober vacations before. 

You can read my other vacation blogs here: 

Spring Break Sober, 

All Inclusive Beach Vacation Sober, 

Beach Vacay from Blackouts to Making Memories.

Today, I want to share my most recent experience, Spring Break 2021 in Florida.

We spent time in...

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Spring Break Sober alcohol free vacation sober curious sober spring break Mar 18, 2021

Spring Break, Man.

On my 21st birthday (also my golden birthday), I got a tattoo and headed to Panama City Beach for a week in the sun with my friends. 

Finally legal to drink alcohol! 

I watched frat boys drink so much that they dug a hole in the sand to puke in and then cover it up and drink so...

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What To Do On Weekends When You're Not Drinking? alcohol free sober sober af sober curious sober is sexy sober not boring Mar 08, 2021

What do you do on the weekends when you are sober? 

Isn’t it boring?


It’s not. 

It’s relaxing, productive, and fulfilling.

I had no idea how to spend my time when I first quit drinking.

I was antsy, irritated, and annoyed.

Alcohol had removed my ability to find pleasure in anything but a...

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What to Drink When You're Not Drinking, This St. Paddy's Day sober celebrations sober holidays soberaf st. paddy's day Mar 03, 2021

I love St. Paddy’s Day! 

Leprechauns and rainbows. 

Parades and debauchery. 

Irish music, Irish dancers, and Irish pubs. 

Corned beef and cabbage. 


I am all into the festivities. 

I used to, of course, love green beer too.

I loved the excuse for daytime drinking, on a chilly but su...

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3 Fears of High Functioning Drinkers alcoholfree high functioning people pleasing perfectionism sober sobercurious Feb 19, 2021

When I first quit drinking I wanted everything in my life to stay exactly the same. The only difference would be that I was no longer drinking. I didn’t want anyone to know if I was drinking or not drinking, and I definitely didn’t want it to be the topic of conversation. I feared my relationships w...

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3 Tips for Giving up Alcohol For Lent alcoholfree alcoholfreexperiment sobercurious Feb 17, 2021

So you’ve decided to give up alcohol for Lent. 


This is one of the healthiest things you can do.

Because you have chosen alcohol, I assume there may be some challenges in letting go of this vice. It is afterall representing a sacrifice. 

Maybe you are #sobercurious, on a health ...

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3 Years Sober, Living a Life of Luxury, not Deprivation alcoholfree sobercurious soberissexy sobermilestones Feb 16, 2021

The world is full of bad news involving alcohol.

In my feed from just today:

  • A grandma in Wisconsin killed her granddaughter in a car accident at 8:30 in the morning with a .092 blood alcohol level from the night before. 


  • Britt Reid, son of Chiefs coach Andy Reid, had alcohol prior to a ...
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Tom Brady's Not Missing Out on Alcohol alcohol and health corporate wellness performance wellbeing Feb 08, 2021

If there was any question, after last night’s Super Bowl win, Tom Brady solidified his position at GOAT. He has worked hard to earn and keep this title. 

He has dedicated his life to playing football and winning Super Bowls. 

He is committed to a lifestyle that allows for super human performance. ...

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Pandemic Drinking alcohol and health alcoholfree anxiety depression soberchallenge sobercurious Feb 05, 2021

Many Americans have been drinking more since the coronavirus pandemic. 

American adults say they're drinking 14% more often during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report in the journal JAMA Network Open. The increase in frequency of drinking for women was more pronounced, up 17% compared t...

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Alcohol Free Valentine sober challenge soberissexy Feb 03, 2021

I’ve been married over 18 years, so I am not one to give advice on dating.

What I can tell you is that even as a married gal, I want to be seen as an attractive person.

My fun, flirty, party girl persona is something I started in high school, along with drinking.

I wanted the fun part to continue...

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Sobriety Taught Me to Sit Still alcoholfree sober challenge sober curious Jan 13, 2021

As a Certified Professional Recovery Coach and Retired Party Animal, I know one main concern about ditching the drink, is the fear of a boring life. 

I understand this completely, because it was one of my greatest fears too. 

This is for the sober curious folks, a life of sobriety does not equal a...

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What to Expect When You Tell People You're Not Drinking Jan 09, 2021

On one of my first nights out after I quit drinking, we went out for Friday Night pizza with another family. 

I got drunk on wine almost every Friday night at this couples’ home. 

I was nervous to order a drink when the waitress came around.

I didn't want to make any sort of announceme...

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In Between Christmas and New Years Dec 30, 2020

People like to joke about this weird time between Christmas and New Years like it’s some kind of twilight zone. 

Maybe it is for some people. 

It was for me.

I used to roll from one party gathering to the next. 

I would do the minimum to get showered and dressed .

I would then ...

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Bachelorette Winner Zac Clark Reveals the Upside to Life in Recovery Dec 23, 2020

Zac Clark, the final rose recipient, and fiance of recent Bachelorette, Taysia Adams,  is the best addition to The Bachelor  family.  Zac represents a bright light for the recovery community.

I personally can't thank Zac enough for sharing the upside to a life of recovery.

It was a whirlwi...

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As A Daily Drinker, What's its Like to Ditch the Drink? Dec 23, 2020

Answering your questions about how I did it and how it feels to ditch the drink.

In short, at first slow and painful. 

Eventually, absolutely exhilarating! 


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Dry January Benefits Everyone Dec 23, 2020

This year (more than ever perhaps?), we’ve turned to alcohol to cope.

Our intent was to stay connected during the stay at home orders, with Zoom Happy Hours.

We were looking to fight boredom with Quarantini’s.

We were drinking wine to cope with homeschooling. 

We needed a sense of humor

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The Best Gifts this Holiday Season alcoholfree holidays sobermom Dec 09, 2020

This year, more than ever perhaps, the negative effects of consuming too much alcohol are coming to light.

A study by JAMA Network found heavy drinking among women is up 41% from 2019 - 2020. Alcohol related deaths have also increased. Excessive drinking increases one’s risk for anxiety, depre...

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5 Tips for Happy Holidays Without Alcohol alcoholfree alcoholfreeexperiment gray area drinking holidays sobercurious Nov 23, 2020

The holidays can feel stressful.

This year, perhaps even more so, with the current state of the pandemic. 

You may be feeling health concerns, financial fears, and decreased mental health. 

There's a general consensus that times are tough and alcohol helps. 

Drinking is promoted as a way to cope...

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What is the cost of drinking? alcoholfree sobercoach sobercurious Nov 17, 2020

We all have a money story.

Mine is that I was a middle class girl raised by a single Mom.

This makes for a “I grew up poor” mentality sometimes.

I also think I am a Princess and my inheritance will surprise me someday.

Until then...

I deserve this...

...and I also deserve that. 

I can have wh...

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1000 Days Free From Alcohol alcoholfree sober challenge sober curious Nov 17, 2020

1000 Days Free from Alcohol.


I am super proud of me.

I can’t believe I used to start everyday on the wrong side of the bed:

hungover, full of guilt/shame/fear, physically ill and in a bad mood.

How did I do this for years and then hate myself when I wasn’t happy with my life?

If I could l...

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Want More Me Time? Get Rid of Alcohol sober sober challenge sober curious Oct 31, 2020

It is Saturday morning. 

I don’t have to get up.

It is 6:30 and still dark out.

I roll around in bed.

Pet the dog.

Lay and enjoy the slowness of the morning without the rush to get up.

My eyes are wide awake.

My body feels mostly good.

Maybe slightly puffy from the sushi last night, but my h...

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Getting Sober is Spooky, Staying Sober is Magic alcoholfree halloween sober sobercurious Oct 26, 2020

Living alcohol free is absolutely magical, but it doesn’t feel that way at first.

When I first quit drinking, I had a lot of fears.

MostlyI feared that life after booze would be boring.

I was terrified that I would lose friends. 

The truth is, my early sobriety was pretty boring.

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Is Quitting Drinking Hard? alcohol free challenge alcohol free experiment alcohol free inspiration alcohol free resources alcoholfree Oct 16, 2020

Is quitting drinking hard?

Yes it is. 

It’s excruciating at times. 

But you know what else is hard?  

Running a marathon.

Having a baby.

Completing a big project at home or at work.

And you know what else? 

They are all absolutely worth it. 

Anything worth anything is going to require effor...

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